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Sustainable energy solutions for climate change
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780415706094 9780415706148 Year: 2014 Publisher: London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,

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"Renewable energy expert Mark Diesendorf issues a powerful challenge in this clear and comprehensive guide to the technology and policies we need to adopt to ensure an ecologically sustainable energy future for the planet. Sustainable Energy Solutions for Climate Change brings together the science, technology, economics and policy issues to provide a unique and truly interdisciplinary approach. It details the enormous recent changes in the energy sector and profiles the renewable energy technologies that can transform our fossil-fuelled energy systems into ecologically sustainable ones.The book provides in-depth analysis of: scenarios for transitioning our polluting energy system to one based on the efficient use of renewable energy; sustainable transport and planning for better cities; why nuclear energy is not the answer; the politics and policies of climate change mitigation; myths about wind and solar energy and energy efficiency; what people can do to overcome vested interests and push reluctant governments to take effective action"-- "This book is a call to action on climate change, filled with clear and detailed information on the strategies we need to adopt to ensure a sustainable future for the planet. We have the technology needed to transform our fossil-fuel based energy systems into ecologically sustainable ones, and this book argues that all we now need is the political will to do so. It uniquely brings together both the science and policy issues to provide a truly interdisciplinary approach".

Clinical research in complementary therapies
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780443063671 9780702035852 0702035858 9780702049163 0702049166 9780443069567 0443063672 Year: 2002 Publisher: Edinburgh New York Churchill Livingstone

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PHL-Healthcare 13 --- medische research --- Alternative medicine --- Complementary Therapies --- Research Design --- complementaire zorg --- evidence-based practice --- klinisch onderzoek --- 611 --- Alternative Therapies --- Therapy, Alternative --- Therapy, Complementary --- Alternative Medicine --- Complementary Medicine --- Medicine, Alternative --- Medicine, Complementary --- Therapies, Alternative --- Therapies, Complementary --- Complementary medicine --- Healing systems --- Systems, Healing --- Systems, Therapeutic --- Therapeutic systems --- Medicine --- Integrative medicine --- Data Adjustment --- Data Reporting --- Design, Experimental --- Designs, Experimental --- Error Sources --- Experimental Designs --- Matched Groups --- Methodology, Research --- Problem Formulation --- Research Methodology --- Research Proposal --- Research Strategy --- Research Technics --- Research Techniques --- Scoring Methods --- Experimental Design --- Adjustment, Data --- Adjustments, Data --- Data Adjustments --- Design, Research --- Designs, Research --- Error Source --- Formulation, Problem --- Formulations, Problem --- Group, Matched --- Groups, Matched --- Matched Group --- Method, Scoring --- Methods, Scoring --- Problem Formulations --- Proposal, Research --- Proposals, Research --- Reporting, Data --- Research Designs --- Research Proposals --- Research Strategies --- Research Technic --- Research Technique --- Scoring Method --- Source, Error --- Sources, Error --- Strategies, Research --- Strategy, Research --- Technic, Research --- Technics, Research --- Technique, Research --- Techniques, Research --- Research --- Clinical Trials Data Monitoring Committees --- Alternatieve geneeskunde en geneeswijzen --- methods

Handboek databanken : een kort begrip voor juristen en informatici
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789048606436 9048606438 Year: 2010 Volume: 3 Publisher: Brugge Die Keure. Business and Economics

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INFORMATIERECHT - Bescherming van data - Juridisch statuut databanken - Bescherming databanken Europees en internationaal recht - bescherming van data - Dit handboek geeft een praktische kijk op het recht omtrent databanken. De historiek wordt belicht met nadruk op de technologische vooruitgang in de informatica. Zowel het Europese bronnenrecht als het Belgische komen aan bod. Databanken zijn zowel onder het auteursrecht beschermbaar om wille van hun originaliteit als sui generis indien ze de criteria van het auteursrecht niet bereiken. Wat zijn de verschillen en de gevolgen? Databanken staan op het kruispunt van informatie en de uitdrukking van literaire en artistieke ideeen. Vanuit het eerste perspectief is het noodzakelijk om vrije toegang te geven aan informatie die voor deze informatiemaatschappij van levensbelang is. Vanuit het tweede perspectief is de bescherming van de inspanning of investering in het vergaren en uitbrengen van data belangrijk - Inleiding - Definitie structuur en geschiedenis van databank(en) - Bronnen van het databankenrecht - Het recht van databanken: enige begrippen & Databanken en het auteursrecht - Databanken en de sui generis bescherming - Rechtsbescherming van technische voorzieningen en van informatie betreffende het beheer van rechten - Handhaving van de rechten - Strafbepalingen en vorderingen uit het auteursrecht - Bijlagen - Bibliografie - Zaakregister

The making of artistic typefaces
ISBN: 9789881470379 9881470374 Year: 2016 Publisher: Hong Kong Sendpoints Publishing Co., Limited

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A creative, hands-on approach to the ever-popular field of typography design, The Making of Artistic Typefaces is a showcase of handcrafted types as well as a toolkit of ideas and practical skills for creating fonts. Type-loving creatives will find instructions on how to re-create dynamic typefaces, as well as examples of individual fonts that include details on the materials used and their use in real-world applications such as poster design, book covers, and event branding. Featured projects include lettering created with 3D-printing and spray paint, flowers and chocolate shavings, paper folding and cutting, large-form pieces constructed from plywood and cement, coins, candy sprinkles, and a variety of stamping techniques, such as rubber stamps, wood blocks, and even carved potatoes. A broad range of projects and detailed creative guidance make The Making of Artistic Typefaces a perfect choice for anyone looking to escalate their love affair with innovative type and design.

Salon to Biennial - Exhibitions that made art history : Volume I: 1863-1959
ISBN: 9780714844053 0714844055 Year: 2008 Publisher: London : Phaidon,

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Salon des Refusés, Paris, 1863 -- The first Impressionist Exhibition, Paris, 1874 -- The first Salon des Indépendants, Paris, 1884 -- Salon d'Automne, Paris, 1905 -- The first Brücke Exhibition, Desden-Löbtau, 1906 -- Manet and the Post-Impressionists, London, 1910 -- The first Blaue Reiter Exhibition, Munich, 1911 -- Les Peintres Futuristes Italiens, Paris, 1912 -- Salon de la Section d'Or, Paris, 1912 -- The first German Autumn Salon, Berlin, 1913 -- The Armony Show, New York, 1913 -- 0.10: The last Futurist Exhibition of Pictures, Petrograd, 1915 -- The first International Dada Fair, Berlin, 1920 -- The first Russian Art Exhibition. Berlin, 1922 -- Film und Foto, Stuttgart, 1929 -- Cubism and abstract art, New York, 1936 -- Degenerate Art, Munich, 1937 -- Exposition Internationale du Surréalisme, Paris, 1938 -- First Papers of Surrealism, New York, 1942 -- Art of This Century, New York, 1951 -- Ninth Street Show, New York, 1951 -- The first Gutai Art Exhibition, Tokyo, 1955 -- The is Tomorrow, London, 1956 -- The New American Painting, New York, 1959.


Art --- anno 1800-1999 --- tentoonstellingen --- kunstgeschiedenis --- impressionisme --- Die Brücke (1905-1913) --- Der Blaue Reiter --- futurisme --- Armory Show (1913) --- dadaïsme --- avant-garde --- surrealisme --- entartete Kunst --- kubisme --- abstracte kunst --- Manet, Edouard --- 1863 - 1959 --- 19de eeuw --- 20ste eeuw --- Art, Modern --- Exhibitions --- 7.037 --- 7.036 --- Tentoonstellingen ; kunsttentoonstellingen ; van kunsthistorische betekenis --- Internationale groepstentoonstellingen ; 1863-1959 --- Salons des refusés --- Salon des indépendants --- Die Brücke --- Manet Edouard --- postimpressionisme --- Blaue Reiter --- Salon de la Section d'Or --- Erster Deutscher Herbstsalon --- Armory Show --- 0.10 --- Erste Russische Kunstausstellung --- Film und Foto --- abstractie --- Entartete Kunst --- Exposition internationale du surréalisme --- Art of this century --- Ninth Street Show --- Gutai --- This is tomorrow --- New American painting --- negentiende eeuw --- twintigste eeuw --- 069 --- 7 --- Kunstgeschiedenis ; 1900 - 1950 --- Kunstgeschiedenis ; Realisme. Impressionisme. Naturalisme ; 19de eeuw --- Arte moderna. --- Bienais de arte. --- Exposições de arte (história) --- Kunstausstellung --- Exposições de arte (história). --- Kunstausstellung. --- MAD-faculty 14 --- kunsttentoonstellingen --- musea --- Der Blaue Reiter (1911-1914) --- abstracte, niet-figuratieve kunst --- Manet, Édouard --- Art, Modern - 19th century - Exhibitions --- Art, Modern - 20th century - Exhibitions --- Art, Modern - 19th century - Exhibitions - Sources --- Art, Modern - 20th century - Exhibitions - Sources --- tentoonstellingen. --- kunstgeschiedenis. --- impressionisme. --- Die Brücke. --- Der Blaue Reiter (1911-1914). --- futurisme. --- Armory Show (1913). --- dadaïsme. --- avant-garde. --- surrealisme. --- entartete Kunst. --- kubisme. --- abstracte kunst. --- Manet, Édouard. --- 1863 - 1959. --- 19de eeuw. --- 20ste eeuw.

Toegepaste energietechniek : deel 2 : duurzame energie
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789039523049 9039523045 9039523053 9789039523056 9789039525760 9789039526545 Year: 2008 Publisher: Den Haag Sdu

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Toegepaste Energietechniek deel 1 bestaat uit twee delen. Toegepaste Energietechniek deel 1 biedt een inleiding in de wereld van de energietechnische systemen. Na een algemene inleiding over verbrandingstechniek wordt achtereenvolgens aandacht besteed aan de onderwerpen: warmwaterketels, zuigerverbrandingsmotoren, gasturbines, stoominstallaties, pompen, compressoren en ventilatoren, koude-installaties en aan geïntegreerde installaties zoals STEG. Bij de bespreking van deze systemen wordt uitgegaan van een systeembenadering, waarbij de nadruk ligt op de gebruikseigenschappen en -kenmerken van de werktuigen en energiesystemen. Daarbij komen tevens de aspecten energie-efficiency en vermindering van de milieubelasting aan bod. Optimalisering van de rendementen is de 'rode draad' bij alle systemen. Toegepaste Energietechniek deel 2 staat in het teken van de duurzame energie.


536.2 --- 536.7 --- 621.1 --- 697 --- Energietechniek --- Verbrandingsmotoren --- Gasturbines --- Pompen --- Compressoren --- Ventilatoren --- Koeltechniek --- Thermodynamica --- Warmtekrachtkoppeling --- Stoomtechniek --- Warmwaterinstallaties --- energietechniek --- stoomtechniek --- verbrandingsmotoren --- gasturbines --- pompen --- compressoren --- ventilatoren --- zonne-energie --- windenergie --- waterkracht --- biomassa --- toegepaste mechanica --- 697 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning of buildings --- Heating, ventilation and air conditioning of buildings --- 621.1 Heat engines in general. Generation, distribution and use of steam. Steam engines. Boilers --- Heat engines in general. Generation, distribution and use of steam. Steam engines. Boilers --- 536.7 Thermodynamics. Energetics --- Thermodynamics. Energetics --- 536.2 Heat conduction. Heat transfer --- Heat conduction. Heat transfer --- 658.26 --- 621.51/.54 --- 658.26 Energy sources. Power supply. Provision of heat and water --- Energy sources. Power supply. Provision of heat and water --- technische toepassingen van pneumatische energie --- 658.2 --- 658.2 Installations and plant. Premises. Buildings, works, factories. Materials --- Installations and plant. Premises. Buildings, works, factories. Materials --- Machine elements --- STEG (stoom- en gasturbines) --- compressors --- ventilators [ventilation components] --- verbranding --- werktuigbouwkunde --- Pneumatic energy. Refrigeration --- koude-installaties --- Internal combustion engines --- waterturbines --- duurzame energie --- Heat engines. Steam engines --- warmte-energie --- wind power --- zuigerverbrandingsmotoren --- warmwaterinstallatie --- gas turbines --- Relation between energy and economics --- duurzame ontwikkeling --- Thermodynamics --- thermodynamica --- alternatieve energie --- Alternatieve energie (Hernieuwbare energie) --- Biomassa --- Brandstofcellen --- Collectoren --- Duurzame energie --- Elektrische energietechniek --- Energieopslagsystemen --- Fotovoltaïsche zonne-energie --- Geothermische energie --- Warmtepompen --- Waterkracht-energie --- Waterstoftechnologie --- Windenergie --- Zonne-energie --- 620.4 ) ENERGIE --- energie --- bioenergie --- brandstofcel --- energieopslag --- energievoorziening --- fotovoltaïsche energie --- geothermische energie --- groene energie --- warmtepomp --- (zie ook: energiegewas) --- (zie ook: biomassa vergassing) --- Duurzame energie. --- warmteleer --- Stromingsleer --- Verbrandingstechniek --- Stoominstallaties --- Koudetechniek --- koudetechniek --- 621.56 --- 621.5/.6 --- energietechnologie --- verbrandingstechniek --- warmwaterketel --- verbrandingsmotor --- gasturbine --- stoominstallatie --- pomp --- compressor --- koelinstallatie --- 621.56 Refrigeration in general. Production of low temperatures --- Refrigeration in general. Production of low temperatures --- Technische toepassingen van pneumatische energie --- Heat conduction.Heat transfer --- Heat engines in general.Generation,distribution and use of steam.Steam Engines. Boilers --- (zie ook: alternatieve aandrijving auto) --- (zie ook: turbine) --- PXL-Central Office 2014 --- energiesystemen --- WKK --- brandstofcellen --- energie, alternatieve --- energie, bronnen --- hernieuwbare energiebronnen --- 620.9 --- Duurzame energiebronnen --- Energietechnologie --- Energie --- Techniek --- Waterkracht --- Biomassa-energie --- Techniek (wetenschap) --- Warmtepomp --- Belasting (fiscaal)

Business planning for digital libraries : international approaches
ISBN: 9789058678379 9058678377 9461660014 9789461660015 Year: 2010 Publisher: Leuven Leuven University Press

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This book brings together international experience of business planning for digital libraries: the business case, the planning processes involved, the costs and benefits, practice and standards, and comparison with the traditional library where appropriate. Although there is a vast literature already on other aspects of digital libraries, business planning is a subject that until now has not been systematically integrated in a book.Digital libraries are being created not only by traditional libraries, but by museums, archives, media organizations, and indeed any organization concerned with ma


Digital libraries --- Electronic information resources --- Libraries --- BPB1012 --- Academic collection --- #KVHA:Business plan --- #KVHA:Digitale bibliotheek --- #KVHA:Documentalistiek --- 020 --- AA / International- internationaal --- 025 --- 026.068 --- 611 Bibliotheken --- digitale bibliotheek --- Technologie numérique --- Informatique documentaire --- Information et traitement de l'information --- 026.068 Software, programmatuur. Elektronische informatiebronnen. Digitale bibliotheken. Virtuele bibliotheken --- Software, programmatuur. Elektronische informatiebronnen. Digitale bibliotheken. Virtuele bibliotheken --- 025 Bibliotheekbeheer --- Bibliotheekbeheer --- Documentation --- Public institutions --- Librarians --- Digital curation --- Digital media collections --- Digital media libraries --- Digital repositories --- Electronic libraries --- Electronic publication collections --- Electronic publication libraries --- Electronic text collections --- Repositories, Digital --- Virtual libraries --- Information storage and retrieval systems --- Web archives --- Digital information resources --- Digital resources (Information resources) --- Electronic information sources --- Electronic resources (Information resources) --- Information resources --- Economic aspects --- Management --- Bibliotheekwezen: algemeenheden --- Digitale technologie --- Informatie en documentatie --- Informatie en informatieverwerking --- Digital libraries. --- Economic aspects. --- Management. --- Electronic information resources. --- Library automation --- Library management --- departement Algemeen 10 --- bibliotheekwezen --- Bibliotheken --- Databanken --- Planning --- przechowywanie i wyszukiwanie informacji --- information storage and retrieval --- складиштење и тражење података --- informática documental --- informacijos laikymas ir paieška --- πληροφορική της τεκμηρίωσης --- електронско чување и пребарување податоци --- dokumentarisk datamatik --- dokumentbehandling --- informatie en documentatie --- informācijas uzkrāšana un izguve --- uchovanie a vyhľadávanie informácií --- документална информатика --- tiedon tallennus ja haku --- dokumentacijska obdelava podatkov --- obrada dokumentacijskih podataka --- stocarea și regăsirea informației --- dokumentarische Datenverarbeitung --- ukládání a vyhledávání informací --- informatikë dokumentimi --- számítógépes dokumentáció --- info salvestamine ja otsing --- informatica documentaria --- ħżin u aċċess għall-informazzjoni --- documentación informatizada --- documentazione informatizzata --- systém automatické dokumentace --- automatický dokumentační systém --- kompiuterizuotoji dokumentavimo sistema --- uchovávání informací --- datorizēta dokumentācijas sistēma --- računalno podržana dokumentacija --- documentación automatizada --- automatizirana dokumentacija --- computerised documentation system --- ukládání informací --- automatiserad dokumentbehandling --- automatická dokumentace --- selekce informací --- počítačová dokumentace --- arvutipõhine dokumenteerimissüsteem --- sistem i kompjuterizuar dokumentimi --- tietokoneistettu asiakirjajärjestelmä --- documentation automatisée --- documentação automatizada --- kompjutorizirana dokumentacija --- αυτοματοποίηση της τεκμηρίωσης --- rechnergestützte Dokumentation --- počítačový dokumentačný systém --- documentare informatizată --- automatisierte Dokumentation --- elektronická dokumentace --- ukládání a vyhledávání dat --- geautomatiseerde documentatie --- automatické zpracování informací --- vyhledávání informací --- digitale Technologie --- teknoloġija diġitali --- digitalna tehnologija --- digitaalitekniikka --- tecnología digital --- digitale technologie --- tehnologie digitală --- digital teknologi --- digitální technologie --- teknologji dixhitale --- цифрова технология --- digital teknik --- digital technology --- digitálna technológia --- ψηφιακή τεχνολογία --- tecnologia digitale --- ciparu tehnoloģija --- digitaaltehnoloogia --- technologia cyfrowa --- skaitmeninė technologija --- tecnologia digital --- digitális technológia --- дигитална технологија --- Digitaltechnologie --- digitalteknik --- Bibliotheek --- Databank --- Digitalisering --- stóráil agus aisghabháil sonraí --- teicneolaíocht dhigiteach --- Digital libraries - Economic aspects --- Libraries - Electronic information resources --- Electronic information resources - Management --- Technologie numérique --- Business planning --- Business planning.

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